A caustic view of Ginge and the Whinge from Australia

Unless you live under a rock you will have heard of the recent interview by Oprah Winfrey of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex aka Harry and Meghan.

The world is divided into those who support them and those who think they’re ungrateful brats. Certainly it is odd to protest you want to live a private life and then spill your guts to billions of watchers around the world (Winner on the night was CBS who attracted some TV advertising for the first time in a while.)

There’s a savage TV presenter in Australia who takes no prisoners. Watch this! He rightly scolds Meghan for ignoring her father.

The best character assessment of Meghan Markle is simply “how she has treated her father,” according to Sky News host Alan Jones.

“Mr Markle spoke on UK TV and said he didn’t think the Royal family were racist, and that if there was a question of the colour of the baby, his words: ‘It is just a dumb question from somebody’,” Mr Jones said. “But Mr Markle made the point that he underwent heart surgery days before the wedding, and he said his daughter had let him down while he was ill.” Mr Jones questioned what kind of person “abandons a parent”.

“And now, as a grandparent, Mr Markle hasn’t seen his grandson”. “I suppose you and I are a bit old fashioned, but there are many words of testimony to the value of a father,” he said. “This millionaire daughter can speak to a billionaire media figure and trash an historic and well-regarded institution”. “But the millionaire daughter … has no time to speak to her father”.

“Decent caring people express thanks for the special relationship between fathers and daughters.”